Tuesday, 27 November 2012

The Latest Quest EVER!

Heyloz x! 
As you know, I have been knitting T_T
So, I never had time for the quest.
But heres the video.
(You should be happy that I was motivated enough to get out of my chair X__X)

I didn't put it on, because my precious hat will come off D:



  1. Oh that's right, them freakin BARRELS (Dx) should all go jump off a very big cliff T..T xS Btw I don't know when I'll be on 'cause my dad kind of forbid me to use le computer for 2 weeks... xC Dx

    1. WHAT O___o
      You can't be serious X___X
      I can't survive 2 weeks without seeing you X___X
      I will die of BOREDNESSSSSSS X___X

    2. Oh Yesh I am serious xC nd Nawwwwwh :3 Ofc you will.. I mean I'm not THAT awesome xS. Waah my dad won't even let me go on panfu to get the sofa from le Gingerbread Man Dxx xCCC I swear, when I'm a parent, I'm never going to be as awful as mah dad is xL

  2. LOL TEDDY! I SPENT HALF AN HOUR MOVING THE CURSOR COOKIE I WAS LIKE 'Sparkie spark sparks come out of cookiez CX' LOL

    1. I know Cx
      Its super cute and totally fabulous Cx
