Thursday, 28 February 2013

Happy Birthday Bethy!!!!

Heyloz x! 
Yeah, Sick-Tedz is making another post today! W00T! xS

Yes, my sick-self has had a.... happy mood-swing? xS
Good thing I don't actually had to sing Happy Birthday to you, because my voice is cracking so badly Dx
So, i'll TYPE Happy Birthday to you xS

Happy Birthday to you~
Happy Birthday to youuu~
Happy birthday, dear Bethyyyyy~

Amazing? I know xD
I've made you a little poem too.

I'll always be there for you...
If you're sad and need a tissue, i'll be that tissue.
If you need a shoulder to cry on, i'll be that shoulder.
If you need to become a unicorn, i'll give you special unicorn cupcakes.
If you need a friend, i'll just be me. ;)

Inspiring, right? 
So, here are some gifts xS

And my two personal gifts: YOUR CAKE!




Sickness is in me.... BLERGH! :( + Some Other Stuff.

Hey guys. I'm SICK. 
Yeah, you heard me Dx
My throat hurts REALLY bad, and I feel like my voice cracks alot.
I can bearly speak, it BURNNNNSSSS. 
I was blowing my tea so it'll get colder, but then its like... air comes in the "burning spot".
I stayed in bed until 11:00am (11:00) feeling like crap Dx
Its mostly my throat, because that kept me from sleeping last night T__T
Yeah, I don't feel too good
Whatever, at least I found these awesome smileys ^__^ 

Well, changing the subject here, i'm going to the movies tomorrow (if i'm sick or not xS)
I'm going to see "Beautiful Creatures". Heres the trailer xS

And, theres a new quest! (I'm too lazy to do quests anymore..... Might stop posting them too xL)
ERMAHGERD, the gift machine is on today. Its an LOL Neon sign!
Its freaking awesome
I'm too sick to take pictures though..... (Yeah, nice save Tedz. You REALLY fooled them into thinking that just because you're LAZY! T__T)
OH! If you check the Panfu blog, you'll see that you can be a GP FOREVER!!!! xO
But, seriously, you'd pay for a life time of membership when you'll finally get bored of Panfu and stop?
I mean, i'm not going to end up like these guys here ---->  
Heh xD Nice example, right? ;D
I don't think i'm missing anything important.... so i'll just end it off right here xS

Tedz loves you all!!!! 

Wednesday, 20 February 2013


Heyloz x my fabulous... burritos? Gumballs? Ah, whatever xP
I know, i'm like..... the last one to make a Happy Birthday post xL (I'm the worst ;__;)
I just made you this picture since I barely got time..... xC
Sorry for not making a video! I SUCK at iMovie right now xL
So, I hope you like it xS

Its not much, I don't have TIMEEEEEE X__X
(I'm the worst BFF ever X___X)
So, have a nice time with your new Sykrim (which you always wanted xS), and I hope Pewds wishes you a happy birthday too! xS
(Eat cake, get fat, and have a nice day training to get thin again tomorrow xS) xDDD
I'll make you some more pictures and maybe a video later.

BYEHHHHH! Love you all! :3

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Who's YOUR Valentine? xP

Heyloz x again! xS
You must be happy i'm Smazing enough to make you another post today, huh? xP
Well.... it's Valentines day! Yay? xL
Its more of a depressing day for me - because i'm all alone.... with my dead husband, Mr. Cake ;__;
I'll tell you the story of his unfortunate MURDER Dx

So it all began a month after our wedding.
Mr. cake was out buying a Dount-tie for his new job (XD), and my best friend Smoshy came.
(With Tedz)
I, was hanging out with Deed, Faai, Pamzy, Bethy, and Jeddy.
I wondered, "Where is Mr. Cake?".
I waited, and waited until around midnight.
Then, I was so worried that I went to his new job.
He wasn't there, and the chief said that his new client never showed up.
I went to the Dount-Shop just to see the ambulance and the police outside.
Mr. Cake was being carried into the ambulance. Dx
People where moving out of the way, and then I saw it. The murderer.
My own best friend.... SMOSHEY! X___X
Icing around his lips with crumbs on top.

By the time i'm writing this, she's behind Teddy jail-cell bars xS
The only way of getting out is to eat it. and I made it.... VEGETABLE-FLAVOUR xPPPP
Ah, it'll be a while until she gets out.... xJ (Since they're really thick too xS)
So, yeah... I only have this picture of our wedding x''C

(Yes, I had blonde hair before. DON'T JUDGE ME! Brown is better now x'S)
Something i'll remember.... C''x
So, thats MY Valentine, how about YOURS? Hurhurhur ;D
I'd like to know xPPP
OH, And if you'd like any like. . . . . Wedding pictures of birthday picures just comment and i'll make one xS
I WAS planning on making a video, but I need to learn how to operate iMovie first xL
So, i'll give you some glitter texts and stuff xS

BYEHHH! Have a nice Valentines Day!

Tuesday, 12 February 2013


Heydo Burritos! xP
I moved . . . . xS
And I didn't have internet for the past 2 weeks Dx
I installed it today... (FINALLLY CXXX).
So, I hope you guys forgive me after the LONGGG wait Dx
Especially you Smoshey Dx
I made this pic for you.... xS

Forgive me NOW? *Puppy eyes* 
Well, I hope so xP