Thursday, 14 February 2013

Who's YOUR Valentine? xP

Heyloz x again! xS
You must be happy i'm Smazing enough to make you another post today, huh? xP
Well.... it's Valentines day! Yay? xL
Its more of a depressing day for me - because i'm all alone.... with my dead husband, Mr. Cake ;__;
I'll tell you the story of his unfortunate MURDER Dx

So it all began a month after our wedding.
Mr. cake was out buying a Dount-tie for his new job (XD), and my best friend Smoshy came.
(With Tedz)
I, was hanging out with Deed, Faai, Pamzy, Bethy, and Jeddy.
I wondered, "Where is Mr. Cake?".
I waited, and waited until around midnight.
Then, I was so worried that I went to his new job.
He wasn't there, and the chief said that his new client never showed up.
I went to the Dount-Shop just to see the ambulance and the police outside.
Mr. Cake was being carried into the ambulance. Dx
People where moving out of the way, and then I saw it. The murderer.
My own best friend.... SMOSHEY! X___X
Icing around his lips with crumbs on top.

By the time i'm writing this, she's behind Teddy jail-cell bars xS
The only way of getting out is to eat it. and I made it.... VEGETABLE-FLAVOUR xPPPP
Ah, it'll be a while until she gets out.... xJ (Since they're really thick too xS)
So, yeah... I only have this picture of our wedding x''C

(Yes, I had blonde hair before. DON'T JUDGE ME! Brown is better now x'S)
Something i'll remember.... C''x
So, thats MY Valentine, how about YOURS? Hurhurhur ;D
I'd like to know xPPP
OH, And if you'd like any like. . . . . Wedding pictures of birthday picures just comment and i'll make one xS
I WAS planning on making a video, but I need to learn how to operate iMovie first xL
So, i'll give you some glitter texts and stuff xS

BYEHHH! Have a nice Valentines Day!


  1. LOL Nice story ;P I don't regret a thing.. He was so tasty MWAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHQHAHHAHAHHAHHAHAHQHAHAH. But really. My Valentine's day was... Like any other day? ;P Deeds woke me up by texting me and we talked all day long ;S. It would have been better if Pewbs would have uploaded more videos though :(

    1. Actually it wasn't any old texting - It was your.. DEEDZY ALARM CLOCK [;

      But yeah - I can't believe Smoshy did such a thing, I remember that day vividly, very, very vividly.. D: You were so sad and I also remember your blonde hair [:

    2. ;L Smoshey, i'm going to kick your ass for doing that to Mr. Cake X__X
      That was so freaking mean X__X My only love - now its GONE! X__X

      Yes Deed, I remember you were in a black and white spotted dress with a XiaoRishu bouquet xPPPP (At my wedding.... of course xD)
      ERGHHH, I regret wearing blondeeee X___X

      You better watch out Smoshey ~ Tedz is going to kick your ass one day ;)

  2. I miss you teddy Dx

    Meet up soon <3

    1. I mwiss woo Bwethy. Dx Me and Taf were the first ones to see Teddy xD
