Hey, hey, hey! xS
I'm not exactly in the "cheery" mood - i'm in the scared mood Dx
I was going shopping with my mom, and we were having a great time.
Until, two crazy guys come and I think they were trying to steal and an old guy says that they can't?
All I know is that the two guys were about to throw punches at the poor old man but luckily the shop attendants "escorted" them out (and by "escorted" - I mean kicked out xL).
They started cussing and swearing stuff like:
"Go to hell."
"GO TO F****** HELL!"
"**** you."
And they shouted "GO" really loud when they were REALLLLLY close to me.
I jumped and began shivering and trembling really badly. I was SO scared.
I thought that these guys would pull out a gun any second now.
Or, grab me by the neck and use me as a hostage since I was the only kid there Dx
Once they were at the door, they started punching the attendants but they locked them out. . . . .
The guys were throwing kicks at the door until there were HUGEEEE dents in the glass door.
It wasn't long before it broke Dxxx
But they ran away before they could throw another kick.
I felt like calling the police, but my mind was completely frozen and my face was pale and blank.
I went over to the old man to see if he was alright.
He was, but he was slightly sweating (from fear - Who would't?!)
I got the clothes that I needed, and payed for them, AND RAN AS FAST AS I COULD.
Mom and I went to get some final groceries and went home.
That was like, the scariest experience in my LIFE (So far . . . . .)
I felt like screaming in there! (But luckily I didn't, since that would have made me a noticeable target Dx)
Thank god that the poor old man didn't receive a beating from those bastards.
I felt so sorry for him.
If I was a 20-year old muscle-man, I would have torn those bastards into pieces and thrown them in the dump like crap.
But NO. I'm an innocent 10-year old GIRL, that has a freaking blog.
Damn, this dramatic crisis is bringing my inner-demon out xS
Anyway, it was really scary, AND I GET SCARED EASILY Dx
When the news of the school-shooting in Connecticut, I was even scared to go to school.
And it was during the winter - which means it's dark in the mornings.
Have you ANY idea how scary it is, to feel like you're being chased by a murderer in the dark WHILE riding a bike to school?
Before I heard the news, I felt like once I reached school, scary people are kicked out by some magical barrier. (Don't you DARE judge me. I'm a magic-obsessed girl.)
BUT HELL NO! Some crazy person has to kill 20 kids, and 8 teachers! INCLUDING his mother and committing suicide in the end.
What a sick world we live in :(
Anyway, this post is too long, and i'm done expressing my feelings.
Hopefully, I won't have a nightmare Dx