Tuesday, 26 March 2013

How to be Tougher / Awesome?

How's it going bros? My name is TedzyPieee. xS

I totally just made a Pewds parody.

By the way, thanks for all the positive feedback on my dog post.
I didn't mean to hate on dogs, but the cutest dog on earth is Maya. Cx
I just want to give a big thanks to all my friends for telling me their fears and how mine wasn't a big deal. I love you guys <3

Anyway, today i'll be making a little tutorial. . . . . .
How to be tough like Tedz! xS
It was the Smazing Deedstar that gave me this idea, and originally, it was going to be made for her - It still is, but we can share it publicly? xS I don't know.
BUT STILL, Its going to help you ALOT. Real life and. . . . Internet life? xP
Enjoy! (If you don't like it then you can kiss my fat vanilla ass xP)

Okay, FIRST, be awesome xS
It is a gift that you can have when you're born - or get it later in your life.

But, heres another tip: NEVER go saying that you're the awesomest person in the world.
Three reasons:

1) I'M the awesomest person in the world xS
2) People will think you're full of yourself.
3) It'll just make you an annoying RANDOMER! (Yeah, I said it - AND WHAT? xP)

Awesomeness comes to a person naturally.
Maybe when you're being ambushed or annoyed, the awesomeness will just. . . . . help you        counter-attack them? It works for me.
NEVER rush awesomeness. Patience is needed, grasshopper xP
Awesomeness works like a weapon.
I mean, who would want to be like this:

When you can be like THIS?

Mweheheh - I LOVEEE Photoshop xP

Be slightly cocky around people who annoy you.
If they say something like:


Then you can say:

"Sorry! I don't have any scissors xP I left them at home. Who would carry scissors in public?"

Mweheh. I love saying that.
It annoys the crap out of them.

NEXT PART: Be calm around trolls.
Trolls are freaking retarded people who don't have lives, and try to ruin other people's lives.
There is a slight difference between having an Opinion, and trolling.
*Hurhurhur ;D* I admit, I share my "opinion" ALOT. xP
HEY! I would't call it trolling - i'm giving people ADVICE! XD
BLERGH, Enough about me - once a troll starts trolling you, and you get tired of it, do something like this:

"This ____ is out of order, please leave a message after the beep. *BEEP*"

Place your name in the ___ part. It's really fun to say actually xP
Erghhh, this post is too long. . . . .

Comment below if you want me to do MORE "How to be Tougher / Awesome" posts.
Hope you liked it (Deed) xP



  1. :'D Omg!! You actually made it?! C: I really liked it, you should do more. But make them longer. ;__;

    1. I'll probably do some every week or so - or maybe when i'm bored.
      I'm PLANNING... on making one tomorrow. xS
      Wasn't it long enough? I ran out of ideas ;__;
